Thursday, April 12, 2012

Your Children Want YOU!

I came across this article today and thought I would share. It's titled Your Children Want YOU!

Personally I think it is a good reminder that of all the great things a parent can do, giving your children time and attention are ranked right up on the top of the list. There are a lot of cool things to learn and ways to improve your crafty and homemaking skills and that is great! Learning is a good thing. As long as you take it all in moderation. The world will tell you all about how to be the perfect parent and what you should be doing for yourself. It's also easy to get caught in the trap of comparing yourselves to other parents. I like what President Uchtdorf said a in his talk titled Forget Me Not, "We spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others--usually comparing our weaknesses to their strengths. This drives us to create expectations for ourselves that are impossible to meet. As a result, we never celebrate our good efforts because they seem to be less than what someone else does."

Anyway, the thing that really stuck out to me from Your Children Want YOU is your kids will appreciate the time you have spent with them and the memories you have made together more than anything. Think about some of your childhood memories. What did they include? A lot of them were probably super simple and maybe even mundane. One for me was being able to talk to my mom one-on-one after I would come home from hanging out with friends on the weekend. She would always stay up for me and during those little moments, we grew closer together.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Intentional Family

 If you are looking for a great book to help you and your family, check out The Intentional Family by William J. Doherty.

He talks about the importance of family rituals and being more intentional about our family time. A lot of the rituals he refers to would be equivalent to what you may consider family traditions. He offers great information and helpful tips on how to improve those rituals or traditions.

Regardless of your current family situation (married with no kids, married with kids, divorced, or a single parent), there is something in here for you.

For an overview of the book click here.